Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Know your customer....

Guy walks into a bar”is the opening line to countless jokes that nearly always get a laugh. The fact that most of us have been in a bar makes this a familiar scenario: it might also be that nearly all bars and their bartenders usually develop deep relationships with their customers. The Cheerssitcom often comes to mind as the kind of place ‘where everyone knows your name’, with characters who are often very familiar to people we know in real life. Let’s face it: small businesses like that succeed because they do all kinds of creative things to make their customers feel welcomed. Things like remembering their names, always greeting them with genuine smiles and eye contact, knowing their likes and dislikes and acting accordingly, and always being prompt and attentive. There’s a bar like that (and countless other places) where we choose and prefer to do our business in all of our hometowns. Be like all of them: closely observe your customers and do all the little things that make them feel comfortable and satisfied today.

Jeremy Gutsche (b. 1978): American author, innovation expert, keynote speaker and CEO of Trend Hunter

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