Thursday, August 30, 2018

Find what you're meant to do....

“To improve the golden moment of opportunity, and catch the good that is within our reach, is the great art of life.” Samuel Johnson

Our summer home is on a point that juts out into the lake, with water on three sides. Years ago, I collected rocks and stacked them along our nearly 400’ of shoreline to protect it against waves and erosion; the years have taken their toll so I had to redo it this summer. I reused what I had and ordered more rocks from a local quarry: between the two I then had more than needed so I set about fulfilling a dream of constructing a nearly 5’ tall cairnat the entrance to our property. People want to know what happens if the winter weather here causes it to fall; the simple answer is I’ll start again and see what it looks like next time. Some have called it a Zen rock garden, but to me it was a rare chance to seize a golden moment of opportunity. It taught me again that journeys are often better than destinations and provide chances to catch the good that is within our reach. Do what it takes to find the great art in your life today. 

Samuel Johnson (1709 – 1784): English poet, essayist, moralist, literary critic, biographer, editor and lexicographer

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