Monday, March 18, 2024

Get your mind around believing you can....

·      “You’ve got mail.”

·      Just think what life was like

·      Before that term became operative and popular. 

·      With the internet, email, and the cell phone, everything changed.


Remember taking typing lessons in high school (I know, I’m dating myself)? I liked that class and have always been a good typist – I even got a typewriter for my bar mitzvah. So, I adapted to computers and was even able to easily move on to smartphones. But it’s been just six months since I cut the tips of two of my fingers off, and I’m worried my typing may never be the same. The last I reported in here about the accident, I was pretty much able to do most everything but play the guitar. But now I must add that every time I type the letter “e”, it usually comes out as “er”. I haven’t quite learned to compensate for that missing inch of the middle finger of my left hand and the way the blunt end stumbles on the keyboard. But I’m here to tell you I’m not going to focus on not being able to do that; instead, I’m watching that hand like a hawk and trying to retrain the motor memory of where that shortie should be. I’m going to slow down (which is against my nature) and be more careful while I’m relearning to type. And I’m going to keep seeing the glass of this learning experience as half full. Whatever challenges you face, don’t get stuck thinking you can’t – get your mind around it and be one of the exceptions who believes they can today.


Stephen Case (born 1958): American businessman, investor, and philanthropist best known as the former chief executive officer and chairman of America Online (AOL).

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