Monday, March 4, 2024

Head out on the highway...

en·thu·si·asmintense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

in·spi·ra·tionthe process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something.

mo·ti·va·tionthe reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.

cre·a·tiv·i·tythe use of the imagination or original ideas to come up with something new.


Everyone wants their employees to be passionate about their work – that won’t happen on its own. Even if you have the best employees. A manager, like the quarterback on a football team, must call and run the plays. They’re the ones everyone looks to. It’s a full-time, full-contact job. If your manager is enthusiastic about being at work with you – that sets the tone. If they’re inspired and inspiring – they’ll be focused on getting you going. They’ve got to be motivated – not waiting for someone else because they must motivate you. And they must be curious about the possibilities and creative enough to accomplish them. I know from experience that they also have a mountain of administrative responsibilities and most likely must attend too many meetings. So, when they’re on the floor, running the floor, pay close attention: listen carefully, ask questions, have a plan, then get a move on. Because that’s your cue to be enthusiastic, inspired, motivated and curious/creative back at them. And at your products, services, and customers. Be enthusiastic today.


Bo Bennett PhD. (born 1972): Entrepreneur, adjunct professor of psychology, author, screenplay writer, professional speaker, podcast host, success coach, and business consultant.

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