Thursday, August 11, 2022

Truthfulness and timeliness matter...

Today’s message (and this quote) could be about the state of our national politics. But alas, it’s about transparency in the workplace. 


·      Employees want fairness

·      And a chance to prove themselves.

·      They also want honest communications

·      To learn about what they need to get ahead.

·      Truth in feedback promotes the chance for success.


Let’s talk about performance reviews: most managers are uncomfortable doing them, and even more employees dislike getting them. Not because they aren’t useful or well-intended but rather because they often lack the honesty and timeliness needed to be useful.  One of the biggest problems is that these are usually done once a year, when the issues that need addressing are long since passed and often forgotten; they should be discussed in real time. When an employee does something right – let them know right then and there; when improvement is needed, there’s no time like the present, when facts and circumstance are fresh in everyone’s mind and the feedback, discussion, and coaching are most relevant. Waiting reduces the impact on that employee and their future performance – especially if that single subject gets lost in the jumble of a year’s worth of topics all combined in a single review. Keep a diary of both the positive and corrective discussions you have throughout the year, as a record of the discussions and your employee’s willingness to listen and learn. Then, if they make it to the end of the year the compound benefit of all those honest and helpful discussions can be extremely beneficial – to the employee, their co-workers, your customers, and the company’s overall performance. Improve employee behavior and performance one truth at a time, starting today.


Ida Bell Wells-Barnett (1862 – 1931): American investigative journalist, educator, and early leader in the civil rights movement. 

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