Monday, August 22, 2022

Be curious enough to become wise...

Learn all you can. That’s the most effective way to differentiate yourself and reach your full potential.


·      Learning

·      Leads to wisdom.

·      Wisdom allows you

·      To be all you want to be.

·      And to have a fulfilling life.


Several of my clients are developing succession plans for their middle and senior management positions. One of the common characteristics they seek is a perspective on how the various parts and principles of their business apply and relate to each other. They certainly look for people who have the technical skills and knowledge to move ahead, but it’s this more practical knowledge of how the entire business operates that is sought. As people move up the organizational ladder, their curiosity about and ability to consider all aspects of different situations is what differentiates the various candidates for these promotional opportunities. It has to do with problem solving and decision making, regular aspects of any management position. High potential candidates must possess the ability to balance all the various needs of any situation, have the curiosity to look deeper into any those situations, and be able to process these competing demands. Consider rotating them through all of the company’s departments to provide them a good working understanding of each. From this will come a broader ability to process information, commonly referred to as wisdom. Look for people who can combine wisdom and common sense with their knowledge and technical skills today. 


Stephen Richards Covey (1932 – 2012): American educator, author, businessman, and keynote speaker. His most popular book is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

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