Friday, August 26, 2022

Re-pot yourself...

My boss used to call it ‘re-potting’ yourself. Giving your roots more room to grow. A worthwhile exercise in personal growth.


·      Your future is

·      Your responsibility.

·      Don’t be afraid to try

·      New ideas and opportunities.

·      And there’s no better time than right now.


This kind of thing doesn’t have to involve a radical change. You can decide to start doing something you’ve always wanted to do – read, hike, swim, eat better, exercise, start a new relationship: small things that can help improve your outlook and wellbeing. Or you can ask to expand your current job duties – take on more responsibility to show yourself and others what you can do: small steps to greater things. You can start a new job or career somewhere else – the grass may be greener somewhere else: you’ll never know until you try. Or physically move – change your location to change your outlook: find a new you. Reinvention should be a personal choice – don’t wait for someone else to decide that for you. Be aware of your circumstances and how you’re doing, ask good questions to find out more, and don’t be afraid to tell it like you see it. We often don’t know how far we can go unless we try. Recut yourself out of stone today.


Henry Lawrence Garfield (born 1961), known professionally as Henry Rollins, is an American musician, radio talk show host, writer, columnist, spoken word artist, actor, and presenter.

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