Thursday, August 4, 2022

One size rarely fits all...

We all know people who act as though they only have an on/off switch: either moving ahead at full speed or asleep. Nothing in between.


·      Up or down.

·      Go fast or slow.

·      It’s not one way or the other.

·      Because life is full of in-betweens.

·      Be sensitive to everyone’s needs and hopes.


I’ve repeatedly heard people say how difficult it is to manage a multigenerational workforce – there now are 5 different generations working side by side and somedays it’s hard to figure out how to deal with each. But it’s not one way or the other: while they all approach things from different life experiences and perspectives, they each still want managers to recognize them as individuals, listen to their concerns, and treat them fairly. Nothing in life should be treated as if ‘one size fits all”: that doesn’t work for shoes, nor will it work with dealing with people. Life is full of diversity, from the skills people have to the way they each view and do things. As a leader, you’re responsible for managing all of that effectively. And while we each see things through the lens of who and what we are, a good leader helps us all to see and understand and approach things together. And while life itself can be one big adventure or nothing, our daily efforts are usually a blend of both. Live life like everything matters today.


Helen Adams Keller (1880 – 1968): American author, disability rights advocate, political activist, lecturer, and the first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.

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