Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Change with the times...

How much do you really know? When starting out: not much more than the basics; after that: experience and support help you grow.


·      Common sense

·      And a good attitude: 

·      Provide the foundation

·      For good behavior and thinking.

·      All the rest requires learning and practice.


Don’t underestimate the importance of common sense: using sound and prudent judgment to better know right from wrong. Or attitude: surround yourself with people that are genuinely optimistic - they’re open, flexible, interested, and willing. Start with those characteristics and then provide those around you with the training they need for the skills and results you expect. This provides them with the knowledge needed to be excited about their job, it’s challenges and possibilities, and the opportunity to show what they can do. Potential super stars need careful coaching, mentoring, and attention: make time to seek them out and find ways to make them excel. This, then, motivates them to stay, creating a trusting environment where your employees are safe to change and make the best of any situation. Help them make the best of every moment today.


Gilda Susan Radner (1946 – 1989): American actress and comedian, and one of the seven original cast members of the NBC sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Learn to fly...

If you’re involved in something, go all in. Up to your ears. Don’t hesitate and don’t look back. In or out, it’s your choice.


·      Being involved

·      Is a commitment.

·      You’re on the line,

·      Others rely on you.

·      Don’t let them down.


You’re part of a team, one of the lucky few selected. Once you’re in, it’s about learning all there is about your role and how it fits into everyone else’s. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, offer ideas, learn from others, and grow into your role. When I was selected to participate in the opening of a casino in China, I probably wasn’t ready or prepared to adapt everything I knew and had previously done to fit into a foreign country and culture. We suspected there would be a lot to learn and that was an understatement. Language, customs, and logistics were all different – and it was clear that we needed to take the time to learn. Or we’d embarrass ourselves, or fail, or both. So, we slowed it down, focused, and spent the time to properly prepare. It felt like being thrown out of the nest, but then most new things are like that. In the end, we were fully alive and engaged, and the extra effort proved to be worth it. Anything you do that’s new will be like that – big or small. It’s all part of the journey of growing throughout your career. If you’re given the chance, jump out of your next today.


Pema Chödrön (born Deirdre Blomfield-Brown, 1936): American Tibetan Buddhist. She is an ordained nun, teacher, and disciple of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpochewriter, 

Monday, August 29, 2022

Poke your nose into something new and interesting...

If you’re going to get involved in anything, it helps to be curious about it. That leads to a process of discovery that allows you to participate fully.


·      Wanting to learn

·      More than you know

·      Is important if you want 

·      To excel, prosper, and grow.

·      It all starts with being curious.


Life and work are full of mysteries, all waiting to be uncovered by those interested in learning about them. When my colleagues and I opened The Mirage, there was so much related to that giant development project that we didn’t know or were uncertain about. Fortunately, we were given time to study dozens of other corporate openings to learn about what they did that worked, what they found to be lacking, and what they would like to try if they ever did another opening. That encouraged us to be curious and open to new ideas. Back then there was no email or internet, so we had to contact people through mutual friends and colleagues – the response was tremendous and, in many instances, created life-long connections that allowed us to continue sharing information. Don’t be afraid to explore things you don’t know or understand or ask questions that may expose your lack of knowledge or understanding. That is the best way to learn and grow, to propel your professional development, and to build your competence and confidence. Make curiosity your first and last passion today.


Samuel Johnson (1709 – 1784): English writer who made lasting contributions as a poet, playwright, essayist, moralist, critic, biographer, editor, and lexicographer. 

Friday, August 26, 2022

Re-pot yourself...

My boss used to call it ‘re-potting’ yourself. Giving your roots more room to grow. A worthwhile exercise in personal growth.


·      Your future is

·      Your responsibility.

·      Don’t be afraid to try

·      New ideas and opportunities.

·      And there’s no better time than right now.


This kind of thing doesn’t have to involve a radical change. You can decide to start doing something you’ve always wanted to do – read, hike, swim, eat better, exercise, start a new relationship: small things that can help improve your outlook and wellbeing. Or you can ask to expand your current job duties – take on more responsibility to show yourself and others what you can do: small steps to greater things. You can start a new job or career somewhere else – the grass may be greener somewhere else: you’ll never know until you try. Or physically move – change your location to change your outlook: find a new you. Reinvention should be a personal choice – don’t wait for someone else to decide that for you. Be aware of your circumstances and how you’re doing, ask good questions to find out more, and don’t be afraid to tell it like you see it. We often don’t know how far we can go unless we try. Recut yourself out of stone today.


Henry Lawrence Garfield (born 1961), known professionally as Henry Rollins, is an American musician, radio talk show host, writer, columnist, spoken word artist, actor, and presenter.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Create your own roadmap...

Who are you and what do you stand for? Where do you want to go and why do you want to go there? Good questions.


·      Know yourself

·      And your goals.

·      Take responsibility

·      For your actions and life.

·      That’s owning your future.


When people ask me for career advice, I often advise them to conduct a SWOT analysis on themselves. Put your strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities down on paper where you can study them, learn what’s important, and begin to ask yourself the questions in this quote. Organizations do this all the time and there’s no reason why individuals shouldn’t go through the same exercise. If there’s something on your personal SWOT analysis you aren’t sure about, figure out why. If there are things that appear to be obstacles, figure out what, if anything, to do about them. And if there are opportunities that can or should be pursued, figure out what needs to be done to achieve the appropriate ones. Then you’ll have a clearer understanding of the answers to these questions. And the beginning of a roadmap on how to get to where you want and need to be. You’re responsible for that. Nobody else. Take control of your life and destiny today.


Kofi Atta Annan (1938 – 2018): Ghanaian diplomat who served as the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations - Annan and the UN were the co-recipients of the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize. He was the chairman of The Elders, an international organization founded by Nelson Mandela.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Tell me more...

Get actively engaged in discussions at work. All kinds of discussions. When you have ideas, let others know.


·      Two heads

·      Are better than one.

·      Brainstorming together

·      Produces the very best ideas.

·      That’s the essence of teamwork.


You probably work with a very diverse group of colleagues. Different backgrounds and experiences. Left unchecked, those dynamics often lead to silos, where people focus only on their own set of duties and responsibilities. But as a group, the top team of most companies can and should collaborate to produce the best ideas and strategies. It’s a case where people’s strengths can complement each other in ways they couldn’t achieve individually. Because we know our own causes and effects, imagine how much stronger our efforts would be when we consider those of others on our team. Leaders must promote diverse thinking, encouraging everyone to participate in discussions about how and why things should work. They must make sure everyone participates, giving support and encouragement to all. They must watch for those who might be reticent and draw them into the conversation, asking them questions about what they know, and do, and think. And at every appropriate opportunity, encourage people to ‘tell me more’. Every idea and point of view must be considered to make the team as strong and successful as possible. Seek out the best ideas today.


Frans Johansson: Swedish–American writer, entrepreneur, and public speaker.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Optimism is contagious...

It’s all in how you look at things. Like is the glass half empty or half full. Your perspective defines you.


·      Optimism

·      Is about how

·      You view the things

·      That happen in your life.

·      It’s about hopefulness and confidence.


I’ve long talked about my ‘handshake’ test for applicants and how it was a quick way to see how they responded to being interrupted. Later, my consulting firm developed a general optimism test that more scientifically determines how one views the good and bad things that happen to them. These are immutable behaviors which say a lot about how a person responds to these things. Like yesterday’s quote and message, much can be gleaned from your perspective on life and, while we generally are who we are, we can shift that perspective by what we do.  Don’t get rundown and tired – that can affect your ability to think and see things clearly. Exercise regularly – that can boost your energy and ability to deal with things. Eat right – that greatly affects your overall health. And hang with positive and thoughtful people – they’ll stimulate your mind. My mother always said it takes more muscles to frown than smile – spend your time and energy understanding and appreciating the good things in your life. Take time to understand that your glass is half full and then spend time trying to fill it further today.


Demi Lovato (born 1992): American singer, songwriter, and actor.

Monday, August 22, 2022

Be curious enough to become wise...

Learn all you can. That’s the most effective way to differentiate yourself and reach your full potential.


·      Learning

·      Leads to wisdom.

·      Wisdom allows you

·      To be all you want to be.

·      And to have a fulfilling life.


Several of my clients are developing succession plans for their middle and senior management positions. One of the common characteristics they seek is a perspective on how the various parts and principles of their business apply and relate to each other. They certainly look for people who have the technical skills and knowledge to move ahead, but it’s this more practical knowledge of how the entire business operates that is sought. As people move up the organizational ladder, their curiosity about and ability to consider all aspects of different situations is what differentiates the various candidates for these promotional opportunities. It has to do with problem solving and decision making, regular aspects of any management position. High potential candidates must possess the ability to balance all the various needs of any situation, have the curiosity to look deeper into any those situations, and be able to process these competing demands. Consider rotating them through all of the company’s departments to provide them a good working understanding of each. From this will come a broader ability to process information, commonly referred to as wisdom. Look for people who can combine wisdom and common sense with their knowledge and technical skills today. 


Stephen Richards Covey (1932 – 2012): American educator, author, businessman, and keynote speaker. His most popular book is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Dream on...

Everyone dreams. Some dreams are bigger than others. But all dreams matter. 


·      Las Vegas

·      Is full of dreamers.

·      Dreams of great riches

·      And dreams of great things.

·      Anything is possible in dreams.


Bugsy Siegel, Howard Hughes, Sam Boyd, Benny Binion, Jackie Gaughan, Jay Sarno, Kirk Kirkorian, Steve Wynn, and now Derrick Stevens. All dreamers of big things for Las Vegas. Their dreams spawned other dreams and dreamers and a desert locale became an international destination. Having worked for and with many of these dreamers, my colleagues and I couldn’t help but get bitten by the dreaming bug.  We thought that anything was possible and rarely hesitated to try and make our dreams a reality. And we found that having the courage to try was the secret to success. I probably wouldn’t have been encouraged to dream about applicant tracking and HR paperless systems in very many other cities or companies. But dreams don’t have to be big – even the smallest dream can transform where you work and what you do. Even the smallest improvements can have a big impact on performance, productivity, and satisfaction (employee and guest). Voice your dreams, And listen to the dreams expressed by others, give them encouragement and support, and see what opportunities exist. Encourage your employees to dream today.


Harriet Tubman (1822 – 1913): American abolitionist and activist in the movement for women's suffrage.

Quiet down and listen...

O ne of the best things a leader can do is listen – for that, they need the humility to stop them thinking they know what’s best. The best e...