Thursday, November 11, 2021

Unsolicited testimonials are the best...

Acclaim is sweetest when voiced by others. Whether it’s an individual effort or a brand’s performance, the best ones never have to toot their own horns – their satisfied customers gladly do that for them. The media is full of advertisements touting what’s purported to be the best of any and everything, and I suppose that’s generally intended or needed to gain name recognition. But the internet has evened the playing field by listing everything and all you need do is search. Between the pictures, narratives, and testimonials, you can pretty much find whatever you want to know. Personally, I hate the hype of TV ads, especially the ones that are forced by regulatory requirement to quickly state what’s in the small print; I also hate the billboards that only show things alongside beautiful smiling people. Deep down, I suspect they’re trying too hard to talk me into something I probably don’t want or need. Referrals, on the other hand, mean much more to me – real experiences from people I admire. If they’re unsolicited, even better. Like many others, whenever I experience something that is surprisingly good, I tell everyone – the opposite of that is also true. And since many people are like me, I believe that whenever something’s great, I’ll hear about it not from them, but from other satisfied customers.  Keep your ears peeled for unsolicited testimonials today. 

Walter Payton (1954 – 1999): American professional football player who was a nine-time Pro Bowl selectee and is regarded as one of the greatest football players of all time. 

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