Monday, November 29, 2021

Get into motivating others...

I was talking to a teenager at Thanksgiving dinner about his interests and goals. It was an interesting chat on many levels, not the least of which was because I spent time recently researching and developing a course on the challenges of managing a multi-generational workforce. This young man was, age wise, right in the middle of Gen Z, the youngest of 5 generations working today. Much of what I learned in my research could be found in his thinking: he was keenly interested in new perspectives, was looking for ideas and their reasons, had good questions and straight-forward answers, and was focused on how to be happy and successful (in that order). He, like others in his generation, was open to whatever is coming next, focused on being prepared, and reluctant to go all-in until it’s on his terms. Made me believe that putting a little heart, mind, and soul into the development of these young people may be the secret to their success. And reaffirms that young people today will have a lot to say and offer as they increasingly become colleagues and co-workers. Don’t be afraid of working with or managing today’s young people: they, like everyone else, are looking for direction, fairness, and respect. Those are the values that everyone looks for in their work.  Make sure you provide that and more today.


Vikas Runwal: Healer and spiritual leader; Chairman at Saibaba Temple Koregaon Park

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