Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Make good decisions...

As a leader, you’re called upon to answer all kinds of questions. About policies, career advice, and sometimes even life itself. To your employees, you represent the company when answering questions about their job’s what, why, and how. You’re responsible to know as much about these things as possible – when you do, and you’re certain, state what you think; don’t be afraid to say you don’t if that’s the case, and then make it your business to find out and get back to them with the information they seek. And when you’re called upon to decide if something is true or not, or whether someone is right or not, ask good questions, take time to listen to everyone’s point of view, talk to colleagues if you need advice, make doubly sure about what you think, and then communicate your decision. When you do, be sure to put your feet in the right place, then stand firm. In those situations, your confidence and countenance will matter to those seeking certainty and assurance. Being a leader means confidently and competently weighing options and making decisions – big and small; easy or difficult. That’s your job and you’re responsible for doing it effectively. Take the time you need to make good decisions today.


Abraham Lincoln (1809 – 1865): American lawyer and statesman who served as the 16th president of the United States

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