Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Focus on doing your best...

Tiger Woods says he’s finished playing golf. I always liked watching him play: no matter where it was, he approached every shot with passion, dedication, and focus to make the best of it. Golf for me has always been frustrating: that changed when I became less concerned with my score and more focused on doing the best I could with each shot.  In life, we often get so concerned with outcomes that we overlook the importance of each of our individual actions. Think how much better you might be if you just focused on doing your best every time you did something or made a decision.  Approach each of your tasks like a golfer would: carefully examining what needs to be done, asking for assistance much like when golfers confer with caddies, and then focusing on doing your best. Remember, there are experts, coaches, and mentors around to give you advice. And once you are ready to proceed, do it with confidence and passion. You can always review what you did to learn if that could have been better, but don’t waste time second-guessing that decision. Do that enough times and you’ll be comfortable and confident enough to take things as they come and play each where it lies today.


Henry Grantland Rice (1880 – 1954): Early 20th-century American sportswriter known for his elegant prose and writing 

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