Wednesday, June 23, 2021

There's no shame in being truthful...

As people step back out into the hospitality world, the shortage of employees is painfully evident. Hotels don’t have enough guest room attendants to clean rooms; restaurants don’t have enough cooks and servers to prepare and deliver food; casinos don’t have enough dealers to shuffle and deal cards.  It’s the same in retail stores, museums, call centers, and manufacturing plants. Since the news is full of stories about these and other shortages, I think that gives the management of all affected businesses the right (and the responsibility) to be more up-front with customers about their ability to meet expectations. And they should temporarily adjust the services and work they are realistically able to provide. According to my own half-baked survey this week, I watched some customers get angry when nothing was said and, conversely, saw others waiting patiently when the truth was told. Management should stop wringing their hands about these staffing shortages and (1) adjust production and workloads accordingly and appropriately and creatively and, (2) be truthful with their customers about the impacts of these shortages.  This is just one more bump along this road back to a new normal. When these unforeseen circumstances occur, the truth is the kindest thing we can give folks today.  


Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811 – 1896): American abolitionist and author best known for her novel Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852); this quote came from her book "The Pearl of Orr's Island"

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