Thursday, April 29, 2021

Never overlook your old friends...

Whenever I see Charles Darwin’s name, I immediately think of the play and movie Inherit the Wind, and its portrayal of an historic court case about evolution versus creationism. But that’s not only because I’m a big fan of movies and plays; more so because that was our High School’s senior play, and I was one of the leads…opposite my real-life best childhood friend. We were protagonists on the stage, and besties in our everyday lives… and we remain friends to this day. These days the world thinks of “friends” in terms of Facebook or Linked in connections as one of the measures of our standing in a social-media centric world. But while we may be close to some of those connections, our real friends represent active relationships that require a greater commitment and dedication to maintain. Where I’m going here, is that real friends and friendships take work, shouldn’t be taken for granted, and should never be taken advantage of. Real friendships endure the ups and downs of life, often survive droughts of inactivity, and react incredibly well to any act of rekindling. And whether they are close friends, mere acquaintances, or complete strangers, it never hurts to graciously extend all the kindnesses of true friendship to everyone you meet today.


Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882): English naturalist, geologist and biologist,[6] best known for his contributions to the science of evolution


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