Friday, April 9, 2021

Don't lose out...

Looking back on all the stuff I’ve done, many happened without having to think about whether I should or shouldn’t. Many were opportunities that I couldn’t overlook or refuse. But when we see things that need revising or improving, we sometimes start hemming and hawing about whether we should or shouldn’t. The longer you wait to make decisions like that, all that happens is that you get older.  Or somebody else does it. You should never say “no” because you think something may be too hard: you’ll never improve your knowledge, or skills, or situation, that way. Or your career. Case in point: 25 years ago, I’d torn my Achilles tendon, and was laid up and depressed. Out of the blue, our HRIS provider invited me to visit their headquarters to brainstorm with them about improvements I’d been asking about. I could easily have said no; or suggested they invite someone else… and I almost did. But then I realized what a great opportunity that would be, and I got out of bed and hobbled across country to work with them. Best thing I ever did – I left there with a greater working knowledge of computers just as they were then starting to proliferate in the workplace. That gave me the knowledge and courage to go on to create lots of cool computer applications. Look for opportunities to learn and do more before you get another day older today. 

Larry McMurtry (1936 – 2021): American novelist, essayist, bookseller, and screenwriter 

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