Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The times are (still) a-changin...

The 1960s were an awesome time to come of age: we were children of the greatest generation and enjoyed freedoms and opportunities beyond our wildest imaginations.  In the first semester of my freshman year at Cornell, African-American students there protested the inequities they faced. Many of us watching those events had the sense that we were privileged to be college students and that implied a responsibility to use that opportunity for good. We chanted and marched in support of those students and felt like we were part of something that could change the world. That was more than 51 years ago and the news and protests this past week showed there’s still a long way to go. I’m a different person than I was back then but I still believe that everyone has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and that we’re all equal under God. Let’s remember that simple yet powerful premise today

John Davison Rockefeller Sr. (1839 –1937): American business magnate and philanthropist, widely considered the richest person in modern history

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