Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Slow it down...

After a generation of living wherever and doing whatever we wanted, this week’s dictum to stay home is a sobering reminder of the fleeting nature of our routine freedoms.  The footloose and fancy free lifestyles we’ve all been living are really hard to shut down as immediately as this pandemic now demands.  But I’m starting to see creative sprouts of ingenuity as people adapt to staying in one place: calling someone up and chatting for hours rather than texting 140 characters; cleaning out old closets rather than looking through online files; discovering favorite old things rather than searching for Google favorites; getting down to basic needs rather than just getting down.  The possibilities are endless once we slow down and consider them: this may not be something any of us would have chosen, but now that staying in one place is the new normal, we may all find what we kept chasing before. Reflective moments will be the new best things in the next few months – put your feet up and start to enjoy and appreciate them today.

Rachel Wolchin: South African Writer and Online Influencer

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