Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Reputations matter...

I’ve had lots of different jobs. I learned from all of them and applied what I took from each to all the others, building a growing list of knowledge, skills, habits, and abilities, and the reputation they created. Unlike those before them, baby boomers started the trend of having multiple jobs throughout their careers; it was also the first generation to relocate in search of jobs, leaving the safety net of home and people who knew them. Young people today often undervalue the importance of that familiarity and the many ways it supports career growth: without it, one’s reputation becomes more dependent on how well they perform at each of their jobs. While job references are supposed to only contain positions held and dates of employment, don’t be so naïve to think nothing more than that is conveyed: answers to questions like “would you rehire them” can be very telling.  Live your life and do your job like it matters… because your reputation is the most important part of your resume. Best to remember that today.

Madeleine Albright (born 1937): American politician and diplomat, and the first female United States Secretary of State in U.S. history

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