Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Know your strengths and weaknesses...

“We will either find a way or make one.” Hannibal 


At first, this appears to be a statement of confidence, but Hannibal earned that confidence through experience. He was distinguished for his ability to determine his, and his opponent's, respective strengths and weaknesses, and to plan battles accordingly. Not surprisingly, leadership qualities of military personnel are legendary and often cited in today’s corporate training materials. Early on in our drive to learn how best to open large integrated resorts, we invited General Norman Schwarzkopf to help us understand the logistics of large projects. He related to us the lessons he’d learned from military leaders throughout history and how these were highly effective when commanding people in any endeavor. These included: the power of focus, teamwork, and adaptability, the importance of decision-making skills and planning, the ability to harness processes and procedures, and the necessity of discipline, honor, and pride. He stressed the importance of professional development as well as the benefits of evaluating subordinates and creating a plan to continually improve their performance.  Many companies often just teach new hires how to do their jobs; according to General Schwarzkopf, these additional skills help them perform their job duties at a much higher level. Find a way to make your employees and leaders more effective today.


Hannibal (247 – 183 BC): Ancient Carthaginian military commander and statesman 

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