Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Join together...

"Musicians don't retire—they stop when there's no more music in them." Louis Armstrong


Wherever I worked, I’ve always kept a guitar or two in my office. And when I work from home, several hang in the background of my Zoom calls. They’re conversation starters, and a reminder for me of the importance of harmonies. I sang in a band for many years, and we were noted for our intricate harmonies, the kind that resonate right through you. In work that’s called alignment, where people are in synch, collaborate and finish each other’s thoughts: people like that don’t retire, they stop when there’s nothing more to collaborate on.  But in the meantime, alignment and collaboration are the best ways to get people engaged – when you see people working together, be sure to comment on and compliment their doing that. Or coach them when they’re not. Most people want to be part of something, and there’s almost nothing better at work than the feeling and fulfilment you get from this kind of cooperation.  If you feel a part of something like that, help those around you feel that way too today


Louis Armstrong (1901 – 1971): American trumpeter and vocalist who was among the most influential figures in jazz

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