Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Think it through...

In quiet times I think up a lot of creative things… and rarely do anything about them. Now I’ll admit to having done a lot of new things in my time – computer applications, clever handbooks, innovative training programs and such, but I often wonder about all the other things I let slide. On Facebook you see so many clever ideas posted there every day: it seems like people with time on their hands this past year were especially innovative. So, that’s the thing: when you have a good idea, or one of your employees has one, don’t just laugh it off. It’s a perfect segue into an engaging conversation: discussing the idea, getting everyone’s input, and thinking long and hard if it’s worth pursuing.  My friends at UNLV’s International Gaming Institute have been doing that with students for several years and the number of patents they’ve received for hotel and gaming innovations is to be applauded. Likewise, the number of amazing ideas that employees come up with is inspiring too. So, don’t let creative juices go to waste: kick them around and try to follow up on the good ones. That’s how to innovate great new things today.


Theodore Levitt (1925-2006): Economist, Harvard Professor

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