Wednesday, August 5, 2020

It may be time for some re-potting...

Ever wish you could just start over… be careful what that. You might now have one of those rare opportunities to re-set things that, truthfully, may have warranted being changed for a long time. Creative leaders should be looking at everything during this pandemic and trying to find the right way forward.  The choices are endless, depending on your appetite for change and risk.  Whatever you choose should be approached from a change management perspective: that process should include planning, clarity, transparency, and careful implementation. Whether it’s work from home issues, benefits, staffing, policies or practices, or a new job... nobody likes changes; be sensitive and aware as you select and implement alternatives to your current business operations or personal situation. There is probably no going back for many people or organizations, meaning you should actively chart your path forward with everyone’s suggestions and participation. Stressful and challenging as this might be, it’s a great opportunity re-set things.  But, don’t just change things because you can – do it because it makes sense for everyone.  Choose your path and get started today.


Dr. Steven J. Corwin: CEO, New York-Presbyterian Hospital

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