Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Be open and honest...


My daughter and her two children are staying longer with us here in the Adirondacks this summer because it’s relatively much safer here during this Covid-19 outbreak than it is back in Las Vegas. And while they’re here,  I’ve gotten to watch first-hand how my daughter provides health-related information to her kids and how they’re dealing with it. She’s very open with them about the dangers they face and diligent in always reminding them of the safety precautions that are necessary. She’s straight forward about it, not scaring them but making sure their questions are answered. My granddaughters, and probably countless other children like them, are fully aware of what’s going on, conversant with the things we all need to do or not do to stay safe, and responsible in ways that I’m not sure kids in the past have had to be. That’s how pervasive this pandemic has become, and years from now I suspect they’ll be telling their grandchildren about what it was like during the pandemic of 2020. How we handle things we’re exposed to will determine where we go now and well into the future. Take a lesson from my daughter and mothers like her everywhere: be open and unwavering in giving people the information they need today.


Judith Blume (born 1938): American writer of children's, young adult and adult fiction

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