Thursday, August 13, 2020

Get going...


Many of the people I talk to are struggling to determine how to get their businesses re-started after this extended pandemic-related shutdown. Their questions are endless as they seek to adapt traditional operational policies and practices, and while there’s a lot published about what guidelines they should be following and what best practices have been discovered, their uncertainty can be paralyzing. Like any large undertaking, it helps to break things down into manageable efforts to promote focus and follow-thru. Project plans, inclusive discussions and effective communications are critical to any undertaking like this. And making sure that everyone is brought in and bought in on the plan is essential: there can never be too much communications, training, practice, and continuous review of and for these efforts. Be careful not to get so intense and focused that you overlook what others are doing – remember to say ‘please’, ‘thank you’, and, if necessary, ‘I’m sorry’. Just get going and, if all you can do is crawl at first then, by all means, start crawling. Don’t be so paralyzed that you can’t get going today.


Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī (1207 – 1273): A 13th-century Persian, poet, faqih, Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic 

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