Friday, August 14, 2020

Get with the program...


It’s been an on-going question whether customers will return to businesses as they reopen after their recent Covid-19 pandemic closures. With a growing amount of anecdotal information, it appears that customers will return to their favorite places, especially if those companies exceed their expectations relative to cleanliness and safety. They’re looking for and expecting plexiglass shields, facemasks, hand-sanitizing stations and distancing markers; they’re impressed by having their temperatures taken and being asked health questions; and they’re increasingly looking for super clean facilities and visible ongoing cleaning procedures. Not for nothing, cleanliness and pro-active sanitation practices are showing up in marketing promotions. Even better, employees are actively engaging in promoting safety and talking it up within the context of their jobs and work areas. It may be grudging at first, but there’s no denying that companies are going through lots of efforts in order to attract and retain customers. The next big question will be how long these expectations and practices stay in place…this might be a big part of the new normal everyone is talking about. So, get on board with exceeding your customer’s (and employee’s) expectations and secure their loyalty today.


Ron Kaufman: Author, Motivational Speaker, and CEO of Up Your Service

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