Monday, July 22, 2019

Learn from your mistakes...

It’s nearly 30 years since the opening of the Mirage and I suspect there will be much written about it as we get closer to the actual date in November: from time to time until then, I plan to post some stories about that project. At this point in that pre-opening there was much going on, including on-boarding: we had developed several innovative computer programs to assist with tracking the applicant and new-employee information… and, unlike many other aspects of our work, it was failing. It was all part of a new HR/Payroll system, and none of it worked… we were unable to electronically track employee hours and cut paychecks, or even know which departments or jobs employees were in. It was a mess. But as upset as our leaders were, they focused us on figuring out what went wrong and how we were going to fix it. We implemented manual time sheets, created excel spreadsheets, developed a new plan, stopped trying to do everything ourselves, and purchased proven software to get what we needed.  I clearly remember Clyde Turner (our corporate CFO then) telling us to forget our mistakes…there were none; there were only lessons to be learned. That’s a timeless lesson: learn from your mistakes today.

Miles Davis (1926 – 1991): American jazz trumpeter, bandleader, and composer

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