Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Thinking is a right and a responsibility...

Doing the right thing means knowing right from wrong: the human ability to reason is the key to that. There are lots of right versus wrong propositions that are clear cut: laws, policies at work, speed limits on the highways; other things are not so well defined: like going swimming right after eating and staying out of the lake when it’s thundering (you can tell my grandkids are visiting). Many of the things we have to deal with are more easily defined these days because of the internet: googling anything provides more instant answers and guidance than ever before. But the judgmental questions we deal with daily are not so easily answered: in those cases following the Golden Rule, using common sense, and erring on the side of caution are the best ways to decide if and how to act. When it deals with a customer, smile, follow the policies, and do all you’re allowed. When it deals with family and friends, be careful and caring. When it deals with a stranger, be proper and magnanimous .  And in all cases, use the power of Reason that God gave you today.

Socrates (469-399): Classical Grecian Philosopher

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