Sunday, July 7, 2019

Great service is a team effort...

Today’s author wrote The Three Musketeers, one of my all-time favorite books and movies (in all its renditions)… and today’s quote is appropriate for this week’s theme: teamwork and team spirit. Teams, on the field or at work, are usually well- choreographed, especially in businesses that are family owned and run. We took a ride in the country this past weekend and discovered a family-owned meat market in the middle of nearly nowhere: the family was all there and all-in, and actively worked to make every customer feel welcome. You sort of expect this with their regulars, but we were obviously not: that didn’t stop the owner and his family from giving us a very warm welcome, complete with smiles, introductions and all the obligatory questions. They had an extensive stock of good quality and well-priced meats, and everything you could want to go with it; but hey, meat’s a commodity: we can buy it anywhere. What will make us take that extra drive to return to this out-of-the-way surprise is the warm feeling we left with. Make sure your family, team or business (or any combination thereof) works together to make every customer feel special today.

Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870): Writer, and Author 

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