Friday, March 22, 2019

Listen and learn....

Listening, hearing, and being engaged help establish the kinds of trust and respect on which loyalty is based. Listening offers data and understanding about what drives markets and people. Hearing offers empathy and intelligence: all too often people ask questions and listen to answers, but fail to hear what’s being said. And being actively engaged in what’s going on – whether in a project, a work team, or the people and customers who make up your business - steer perspective and encourage a sense of community. These are the elements of your culture and behavior that make people trust and respect you (and your company) and the things you stand for. Bottom line: they’re the reasons why people are loyal to you. Take any one of them away and you alter the dynamics of the workplace: in this, you’re either all in or you’re completely out. Ask your employees or customers what’s important and they’ll tell you; listen why they feel the way they do, and act upon this knowledge. That’s how to earn their loyalty today.

Brian Solis (b. 1970): American speaker, author and digital analyst studying disruptive technology and its impact on business

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