Friday, March 29, 2019

Go team....

It’s that time of year: March Madness and the NCAA college basketball championships. There are probably conversations and informal (mostly) betting pools in offices everywhere… and debates whether those are good or bad. But, why the debate: people talk about so many things throughout the work day and this is no different. While some managers watch the clocks, the best ones focus mostly on the outputs. Set short and long-term goals, explain as needed, pay attention as usual, coach as appropriate, and praise when finished: that’s the best way to motivate, engage and satisfy employees.  Not doing these will bend the relationships with your employees all out of shape; worrying about ‘bracket-talk’ is unnecessary micro-management that’s a waste of time. Just be happy your employees like working and talking together, so let them enjoy themselves.  Now go root for your favorite team today.

Bernadette Locke-Mattox (b. 1958): First woman to serve as assistant coach for a men's NCAA Division I basketball team

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