Monday, October 8, 2018

Make a plan....

Decide what you want to be and then make plans to achieve your goals: aim high and work hard if you want to do great things and get ahead. I interviewed long term employees at a client recently and asked about their aspirations: some said they were content where they were, but most wanted to do and be more. When asked, few had a plan about how to get there, but one said she was taking classes to learn to be more, asking her colleagues about the things they did so she could prepare to do more, and shadowing other employees on her own time to practice to be more. It’s hard to get from good to great without personal sacrifice, extra effort, and a good plan. Nobody wants to be or have less tomorrow than they have today: if you want more then then put some skin in the game, talk to your supervisor, and act like you mean it. That’s how to begin achieving your goals today.

Joshua J. Marine: Author of books and motivational quotes

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