Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Don't be a coward....

Like many people, we order lots of stuff from Amazon: we’re Prime members and UPS regularly delivers purchases to our home.  Today a package came and when opened we noticed it was for someone else: inside was a book AND a $50 gift certificate for one of those subscription meal delivery services. At that moment of discovery, the following briefly went through my mind: great gift certificate, returning it could be a pain, and who’s going to know if we just kept the package. The answer, of course, is we would know. Then I thought about my granddaughters and how they look up to me like I’m a good guy: how could I deserve that adulation if I kept stuff that wasn’t mine.  So, back it all went into the package, taped it up, and took it to the local UPS Store. Done. To know what is right and not do it, even when nobody would ever know, is the worst cowardice. When faced with doing something right or wrong, don’t be a coward: do what is right today.

Don Alden Adams (b. 1925): Former president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, the principal corporation of Jehovah's Witnesses

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