Friday, May 25, 2018

Believe in yourself....

“You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.” Michael Jordan

Last month when I flew into Boston’s Logan airport and drove north to Maine, I passed the NECCO Candy company – it claims to be the oldest continuously operating candy company in the country and is primarily known for their chalky sugar wafers and Valentine's Day candy conversation hearts. I used to love those as a kid, getting them at the candy store or when going door to door on Halloween. That company went bankrupt a few years ago and I saw in yesterday’s news that it was bought at auction for $18M by a The Spangler Company, a rival that makes Jelly Bellies: I’m not sure if that’s a good price, but somebody certainly saw the value and expects great things from that purchase. Companies, like people, go through good times and bad – throughout those cycles the best managers keep employees thinking positively, performing productively, believing in themselves, and doing great work. Inspire your employees to expect great things of themselves and watch as they do them today.

Michael Jordan (b. 1963): Legendary retired professional basketball player and principal owner and chairman of the NBA’s Charlotte Hornets

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