Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Great stuff lasts forever....

saw Paul Simon in concert the other night – it was part of his Homeward Bound Farewell Tour. He sang songs from throughout his more than 50-year career, all of which many in the audience knew and could sing. I remember his first record – The Sounds of Silence– I heard it in 7thgrade and remember the impact it had on me: humming the tune and thinking about the lyrics. “People talking without speaking/people hearing without listening”, and “hear my words that I might teach you/take my arms that I might reach you”– the lyrics in the song seemed to speak directly to me – these and so many other of his songs were so different from anything we’d heard or experienced before.  They were so innovative and because they were done right, they’ve lasted forever. As the music played during the concert I was reminded that creative efforts can impact people and things far and wide and as people and things begin to fade away the impact of their creative efforts last forever. So, if the creative urge strikes, do it right today.

Massimo Vignelli (1931 –2014): Italian designer who worked in package, houseware, furniture, signage and showroom design 

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