Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Let your professionalism show...

My frame of reference for this message focuses on professionals who serve as supervisors, managers, and directors in the hospitality business. And their professionalism. This hierarchy of mid-level management is both customer and employee facing – where, you might say, the rubber meets the road in the pursuit of service excellence. They’re professionals… living the part every day where they must use their head handling their job duties and responsibilities, and their heart when handling others. When handling customers: representing everything the company offers in goods and services; when handling employees: representing the company’s direction, culture and values. Navigating and negotiating between the two for their corporate bosses. It’s the sweet spot in hospitality – lots of responsibilities best served by soft skills and emotional intelligence; and lots of latitude if they’re willing to work hard, act responsibly, be model corporate citizens. They keep the lights on and the trains running on time – the best of them think and act like they own the place. I’ve worked in manufacturing and hospitality and as much as I loved the first, the second ultimately grew on me more… being in the service business can do that to you. Find something you’d love to do and put all your curiosity and creativity into it. Master your craft and knowledge of your business. That’s what professionalism looks like. Be that kind of professional today.


Eleanor Roosevelt (1884 - 1962): American political figure, diplomat, and activist. She was the longest serving First Lady, married to President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

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