When leaders show up for work, the most important thing for them to do is gather their people and discuss what’s up for today. In the hospitality business, that’s called a huddle or pre-shift meeting and it helps set the tone for the rest of the day. Not that employees necessarily need it, but it puts them all on the same page, creating a sense of teamwork and togetherness, getting everyone started on the right foot, and making them all feel a part of what’s going on. I’ve often seen people dragging into these meetings, unfocused, needing their coffee, and generally trying to get it together… and when it’s done right, they all leave with a new-found bounce in their step. These are part informational – things everyone needs to know (or remember), part directional – letting everyone see what you’re going, and part inspirational – showing the way and making them feel good about it. It’s the most important part of a leader’s day, the part where the professional in them show’s not only who’s in charge but also how everyone else fits into the plan. Employees need that… so get that role straight in your head and be prepared to fill it today.
John Calvin Maxwell (born 1947): American author, speaker, and pastor who has written many books, primarily focusing on leadership.
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