Tuesday, November 26, 2024

You are what you do...

I always thought that you’re only as good as the last thing you’ve done - something that defined you, good or bad. But if you look at it this way, you’re only as good as the best thing you’ve ever done – regardless of how good it really was. Either way, we’re judged by what we say and do. That judgment may be immediate, or long after we’re gone… but it’ll happen, and you shouldn’t be so cavaliere about it. You won’t live forever, but your legacy will. And try as you might, you can’t pass that off to someone else; it’s yours and you own it. It’ll be built around how honest and honorable you are, whether you have character or are a character, how you treat people – all of them, not just the ones you need, and whether you do good things even when nobody is looking. It not like making a speech… a legacy doesn’t pander to a crowd. So, think long and hard about the best thing you’ll ever do… and remember, it’s not what you do for yourself but what you do for those in need. Not in need of you, but the good you can do. And it doesn’t have to be big and splashy, just something that’s basically good. That’ll stand the test of time. So, do your best every time. Starting today.


Billy Wilder (1906 – 2002): Austria-Hungary born American filmmaker and screenwriter who is regarded as one of the most brilliant and versatile filmmakers of Classic Hollywood cinema. 

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