Sunday, November 24, 2024

Love thy neighbor as thyself...

There are lots of ideas about what making things better means – I was taught that the answers came when everyone worked together to figure out what was best for all. I’m not sure anyone knows what’s good for everyone – it’s complicated, but it shouldn’t be about making it good for some and not for others. In the end, we’re all responsible – to listen to all ideas, to give and take (the essence of consensus), and to work together to make things as good as they can be. As many know, I’m an old folkie, coming of age in the 50s and 60s when music fired our souls – I can’t help but recall words like: “we prayed for those in need and sang songs to end all greed”[1], or “there but for fortune go you or I”[2]. Every generation has its passions, and so do we all; but in the clarity of hindsight, we learn that there are no absolute truths. But one that we might all agree on is “love thy neighbor as thyself”[3] – with that, we might all contribute in some way to making things better. Be responsible for that today.


Robert Francis “Bobby” Kennedy (1925 – 1968): also known by his initials RFK, was an American lawyer and politician (US Attorney General and US Senator from New York).

[1] From the song “I Won’t Sing Here Anymore” by Koonce, Ross, and Fraser

[2] From the song “There But for Fortune” by Phil Ochs

[3] Matthew 22:36-40 - King James Version

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