Thursday, May 23, 2024

Make sure your feet are on the ground...

·      Some people spend their lives longing to be famous.

·      Sometimes it’s better just longing to be alive.


Every day we meet lots of people – some famous, others just living their lives. And when you think about it, it’s the quiet ones you can count on, efficiently going about their tasks, and getting things done without much fanfare or drama. It’s nice to be asked to give a speech or do something special, but those are usually one-offs that don’t fill much of the day. It’s the rest of the day that’s important – coaching, listening, mentoring, caring, creating, and doing things for others. The kinds of things those others count on you for and appreciate most about you. So much so, that when you get in bed that night, you know you were effective. That’s when you realize that being humble is cooler than being famous. Because famous is fleeting and humble lasts a lifetime. So, whenever you get the itch to be famous, remember the people who are counting on you for things big and small. And when you satisfy their needs, you’ll have all the fame you need today.


Robin Sharma (born 1964): Canadian lawyer and writer best known for his books Megaliving!: 30 Days to a Perfect Life, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, and The 5 AM Club.

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