Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Start off on the right foot...

Today marks the Jewish New Year, a time of introspection about the year just passed and hope for the one ahead. In many ways, we are who we are – the traits passed down from our parents code us for a lifetime. But, as my mother used to tell me, we each get to make the best of them.  Sure, we have moods, and are affected by the events that surround us, but the basics are there for us to use, or not. I always used to tell people I interviewed about what I saw and perceived during those discussions; when I hired them, I’d remind them that now that I knew some things about them, I’d be looking for those traits and behaviors on the job. Like smiling, making eye contact, being engaged and animated, and asking good questions. When people are interviewing – (or on a first date), they usually are on their best behavior; those are the things we can anticipate in the long run. And those are the times when we not only can claim our talents but use them as well. I think I know most of my strengths and weaknesses, and throughout these Jewish holidays I will commit to using more of the first and hopefully, less of the second in the coming year. Put your best talents to use today.


Madeleine L'Engle Camp (1918 – 2007): American writer of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and young adult fiction

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