Thursday, September 2, 2021

Be truthful and clear...

Here's another facet of the current staffing problem: applicants are paying close attention to what’s promised during their recruitment and watching to see if those promises are kept once they get hired. Again, they’re very particular about who they want to work for and if they suspect any form of “bait and switch” they are more likely to quit than at any time in the past. Managers today are more anxious than ever to get a warm body into an open position and unfortunately, they may overpromise to do so. Make sure they are well-schooled and scripted – practice with them to ensure they know what to say, and not say. It’s a good practice to detail this information in an offer letter and review expectations during onboarding to clarify any misperceptions. Employee’s value companies and managers who tell them the truth, not just those who tell them what they want to hear. Clarity and transparency are precious commodities and there’s no reason for you to lose a new employee over something like this. And because recruits are so focused about finding the right job for themselves, they will be more dedicated and loyal if it turns out to be just what they expected. Say what you mean and mean what you say today.


Patricia Summitt (1952 – 2016): American women's college basketball head coach at the University of Tennessee from 1974-2012


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