Thursday, January 14, 2021

Rise to the challenge...

We want our leaders to be optimistic, seeing the proverbial glass as half full rather than half empty. They’re the kind of supervisors that see the possibilities rather than the problems and are curious enough to go in search of the solutions they envision. Not saying you have to be a futurist or mathematics genius like Hawking, but it’s always good to remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Life is full of challenges – lord knows we learned that in so many ways this past year, but leaders have to help their peeps focus on the future. They have to be good listeners and empathetic so that they understand the needs of others. Not saying they have to whistle in the eye of a storm, but they have to be trusted enough to lead others out of harm’s way or tough times. And they’ve got to have sense enough to see, and help others see, what’s best in every kind of situation or project or environment. Effective supervisors understand the needs and challenges of their profession and use that knowledge and those skills to lead others. And remember, it’s not about you but rather all of those you supervise, manage and lead. Keep your eye on the stars today.


Stephen Hawking (1942 –2018): English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author, director of research and mathematics professor at the University of Cambridge 

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