Monday, January 25, 2021

Be on the lookout for good character...

There are a lot of smart people – just ask any of them, and most will confirm the fact. But it’s been my experience that the ones that tell you are not the ones that matter. Smart comes from books and experience, the latter being the more important of the two. And in many cases, the most experienced aren’t always the smartest. Smart is a combination of a lot of things, the most important of which is the kind of person they are. They rarely brag… they mostly perform. They’re more humble than not. Their efforts often result in great things, the glory from which they gladly share with others. They’re proud of their work. When they talk about it, it’s not bragging so much as being used for instructing and coaching and mentoring. You know they’re someone worth listening to because you sense it. It’s character. That’s what matters. Quietly doing great things that stand the test of time. I’ve been fortunate to work with a lot of people like that. The impressions they made and the lessons I learned were and are priceless. Make it your purpose to associate with people of good character today.


Brené Brown (born 1965): American Scholar, Author, and Public Speaker

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