Friday, January 15, 2021

Be prepared...

Like most people, we’ve been waiting for information about our local vaccination plan and schedule. I’m kind of surprised that some people don’t want it or think it, like the pandemic itself, is a hoax. We’ve been patient as they roll it out to health care workers and seniors in nursing homes here, so you can imagine our surprise and delight when a website was posted to make appointments. The crush of people going online to sign up was, as could be expected, overwhelming. The site kept crashing and it took several tries to get registered and scheduled. And now more testing sites are online for scheduling.  We feel very lucky to have gotten an appointment, mostly I think because we were prepared for it. We had already decided to get the vaccine when it became available and researched when and how the county health department would roll these out when the time came. Many of these sites are again crashing and officials are unprepared for such a large response – if they want people to get vaccinated then the system has to work right. Testing is starting all over the country and leaders should talk to their employees about their thoughts and the benefits of this vaccine.  Be prepared to take this opportunity to get back to some degree of normal today.


Denzel Hayes Washington Jr. (born 1954): American actor, director, and producer


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