Thursday, January 21, 2021

Teamwork matters...

This is certainly true in sports, and in life the same can be said about some business and civic leaders. People like that are selfless, humble, altruistic and generous; they’re the kind of people others want to be around and follow. Those are qualities we want our children to learn, which means they need role models (past and present) to learn from and emulate. Think about all the people you’ve worked with or been supervised by; now remind yourself which of all of them were (or are) like that; and then recall what they did that made (or make) you put them in that category. Now you have a picture and definition of really good people and leaders. I suspect most of them had great teachers or coaches who were great role models. As you lead your life, try to remember who and what they were (or are), and how they made (or make) your feel. And then try to be like them today


John Robert Wooden (1910 - 2010): American basketball player and coach who was the first person ever inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame as a player and as a coach 

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