Monday, April 29, 2019

Don't cry wolf....

People want to know if there’s much drama in the workplace: they’re mostly interested in how people play together.  Some people exaggerate things, often to make themselves look better or more important, or minimize the impact of what they’ve done.  Our mothers used to refer to this as crying wolf, the implication being that if you do that enough times people stop paying attention or taking you seriously. In the workplace, we all need good and transparent communications, ones that let everyone know what’s going on – good or bad. As colleagues and friends, we should always speak simply and honestly. As leaders, we should stress the importance of honest and ethical communications, such that others can rely on them: as leaders we mustn’t overreact, but be supportive and responsive, and use those times when things are unclear as coaching opportunities.  People who work or play together should understand that if you treat every situation as a life and death matter, you’ll die a lot of times. Encourage good group communications today.

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