Thursday, January 10, 2019

Surprise your employees with caring and fairness....

Sir Richard Branson is a successful entrepreneur and marketer: his quote today is most likely about customer expectations.  But successful people like him also know that they must first meet and exceed employee expectations in order to create the kind of corporate culture that’s able to focus on customer satisfaction; without that, all you have are employees doing whatever they can get away with and customers being underwhelmed. So, focus on exceeding employee expectations: by being fair, honest and respectful; by providing for their needs so they can do what’s needed; and by having excellent two-way communications to make sure they understand the what and the why of what they do.  Set realistic expectations and then exceed them by helping them realize their personal and professional goals, providing them with training and coaching to get where they want to go, and listening carefully to what they say. Doing that will be unexpected and helpful today.

Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson (b. 1950): English business magnate, investor, author philanthropist, and founder of the Virgin Group of 400+ companies

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