Thursday, September 13, 2018

Love what you do....

was talking to a friend the other day who, like me, is a semi-retired HR guy still doing stuff he loves: meeting new people, discovering what they’re involved in, expanding an understanding of how things work best, and sharing that knowledge with others. I could hear it in his voice: he was specifically talking about applying ‘agile practices’to HR. For those who don’t know what agile practicesare, Google it: they’re a way of organizing work to facilitate responsiveness and adaptiveness of activities and structure, and to match workforce fluctuations to demand. Most work is based on control and execution, but this methodology focuses on expertise, collaboration and decision making. Think about that: done right, it unleashes creativity and keeps people excited about their work. A leader is responsible for making sure that employees want to be where they are, doing what they do, and not somewhere else. Learn how to do that and get your employees to be really passionate about their work today.

James M. Barrie (1860 – 1937): Scottish novelist and playwright, best remembered as the creator of Peter Pan

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