Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Be yourself....

Employee engagement is a big buzz term these days. If you want it, start by being on the lookout for how engaged an applicant is: are they on time for their scheduled appointment(s), and do they (1) sit up straight, look you in the eye, and act enthusiastic about the questions you ask, (2) have good questions for you,  (3) appear interested and attentive when being introduced to others or shown around, and (4) follow up with you to let you know they’re grateful and interested. If ‘yes’ to those, chances are they have potential. But, real engagement occurs when new employees are encouraged and supported to be who they are: meaning you have to continually engage with them, let them know how much you appreciate their efforts, and recognize and reward them for acting that way. We’re all consumers and know when service is attentive and enjoyable: remind your employees about that and be an unabashed cheerleader when you see that in your team. That’s how to get real engagement today.

Brené Brown (born 1965): American Scholar, Author, and Public Speaker

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